One Laptop Bad Habit Which I Never Realized

>> Wednesday, February 3, 2010

As an avid laptop user, I (like many others) make this same mistake over and over again.

A mistake which over the years have become a very bad habit.

What is it you might wonder?

As seen with many others including myself, we tend to charge our laptop while working on it. In other words, we leave the power plug of the laptop on with the battery of the laptop intact (even though the battery is full !).

This will actually cause the battery to loose its lifespan.

So what’s the best practice or good habit as opposed to the above?

1. The best practice in lengthen the lifespan of your battery is to charge it only when you are not using your laptop.
2. When at a stationary location (where the power source is available), remove the battery. This allow discharging process to take place and help keeping the health of the laptop batteries itself.
3. Use the laptop with the battery only when power source is unavailable.

This post is rather short but meaningful as laptop batteries can cost a hefty these days.


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