Software That Can Make Us Extra Lazy

>> Friday, February 12, 2010

The signs are there …. and it’s true.

One of the main reasons softwares are invented are to make, we, users simplified our jobs on the PC and so on. The other aspect it can make us complacent and lazy as well.

When it comes to speech recognition softwares, there’s 2 ways you can think about it …. make it easier or make us lazier.

I was browsing through the internet yesterday and I was in awe when I saw the demo of this software, the “Dragon Naturally Speaking 10″ speech recognition software.

It actually computes what you say in speech and actually processes commands to the computer via you talking without you actually touching the keyboard.

I did heard about speech recognition softwares before but this one tops it all.

You can actually tell your PC, “Search google for sports” (for example). The software will actually loads up Internet Explorer automatically and do the search for you. How fun is that.

Apart from that it can do more wonders like getting your e-mail and type your document all via you saying rather than typing.

Check out the demo in the video clip below and you will exactly know what I mean.

Now you be the judge .. is technology making it easier or making us lazier :) .


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